Monday, 20 March 2017

Best Way To Use Filters on Yahoo Mail

With the rapid development of the internet, the number of spam Emails has increased considerably over the years. Each of the Email service providers makes use of different technologies to avoid spam emails. Yahoo mail is one of the most popular Email service available nowadays. One of the considerable reasons for its popularity is that it has a strong spam detection system. Different algorithms are used to identify if the Email turns out to be a spam. This helps you lay focus on only the important Emails thereby saving your time. This ensures that you no longer have to spend the time fetching the relevant Emails.

In some of the cases, however, you may find out that some of the spam messages creep into the Yahoo mail inbox. To tackle such problems, Yahoo lets you use filters on Yahoo mail. Using this method, you can filter Yahoo emails based on different criteria and forward them into different folders. Now the question arises: How to use filters in Yahoo mail?

Steps to use filters in Yahoo mail:

It is quite easy to use filters using Yahoo mail. For this, you just need to follow the steps mentioned below.
  •  Open Yahoo mail in your web browser. Make sure you are using the latest version of the  web  browser recommended by Yahoo.
  •  Log in to your Yahoo account by entering your credentials.
  •  Hover over the gear icon and then click on the Settings link.
  •  Click on the Filters link available. Here you can view the existing filters available.
  •   But if you have no longer created any filters yet, this section will be left blank.
  •   Click on the “Add” button to create a filter. Give it a name as per your choice.
  •   Now you can configure the filter by providing certain parameters. The parameters available  for  filtering the Yahoo mail are: sender, recipient, subject, and Email body.
  •  Here you can block the mail from certain Email address, or emails containing certain  words.
  •  Specify a folder in which you wish to send these Emails. You can either select the existing  folders or can also create your own folders.
  •   Finally, click on the save button and you can save the settings.
  •  You can also sort your filters if you wish to.
  •   Exit the settings menu.

The above steps help you to make use of filters using the Yahoo mail to sort the Email. In case you get stuck at any moment, give a call on Yahoo technical support phone number 1-888-259-9422 and get the problem fixed instantly by the experts. 

Yahoo Toll Free Numbers:-

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